2x60KM DUO

This class is for those who has less dogs and wants to combined 2 sleightes or just wan't to have company during the race.
  • Open class
  • 2 mushers
  • 1 nome or Nordic-pulka
  • One team
  • Both on skis or one on skis and one on a nordic pulka
  • Both musher in the trail at the same time THE WHOLE RACE

Entry fee

Payment before 2024-12-31                                  1700 SEK
Payment after 2024-12-31 until start                    2200 SEK

Change of musher                                                  300 SEK

Pay to  BG 550-1317
IBAN - SE04 8000 0816 6193 3196 0568

A raffle of a free entry on those payments/entrys made before 2024-12-31